ASANA IMAGE 2: Full Lotus

The second acrylic of my new “Asana” series has officially begun!

This is the second image in the acrylic images of the Asana series. It is a 30 x 30 – inch acrylic image that was begun live during my second attempt at live painting! The image was initiated at “Yoga After Dark” a monthly event conducted by Black to Yoga. I will be the resident “live painter” at these events so come check me out sometime soon. 

This image depicts Maureen from Moga Yoga as she prepares for deep meditation in the Lotus pose. Maureen is depicted in the more challenging “full lotus” position as opposed to the less challenging “half- lotus” asana. The seri yantra depicted behind her is a symbolic meditation symbol. The triangles in the center portion represent the power of the divine to manifest creation,. The graphic shapes just outside the triangles are graphic interpretations of lotus flowers which symbolize birth, life, renewal, hope…while the four points at each end of out square-like shape are indicative of the four elements.    

I have just begun the initial images for the watercolor portion of the series. Be on the lookout for a beautifully printed calendar you can purchase next year! 

Presenting my Research

I had the pleasure of presenting my research on aesthetics and discussing “The Beautiful” and its relation to creativity theory with the members of the PInole Artisans group last week. It was a real pleasure to present my research to a group of artists rather than a theological conference. I did some expounding upon a powerpoint deck and read an excerpt from my book, “When We Pray: 8 Meditations on the Aesthetics of Prayer & the Spiritual Life” (Balboa Press Books 2019). My presentation was well-received and I was invited back next year.

*To purchase the original, click on the image above.

**To purchase a giclee limited edition print click here

#fulllotus #yogaposes #blackyoga #yogaart

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