Day: August 15, 2023

Ascension III: Auric Rising

Number 3 in the Ascension Series

I have placed Auric Rising in the Ascension series but it could just as easily have been categorized as the final summarising image within the Chakra series. The inspiration for this image is both didactic and personal. After my initial recovery from my bout with Covid, I was still struggling with ongoing symptoms and challenges related to Long Covid. My body’s energy levels were sorely depleted and I had no reserves. My mitochondria had become so damaged and depleted that I was literally unable to concentrate for any length of time on daily tasks – let alone find the clarity or energy needed to create.

As many of you know I have maintained a consistent mediation practice for years and my illness had not kept me from at least attempting to continue with my daily practice. In order to combat some of my fatigue and work on building up my energy reserves, I began doing a great deal of focused energy work in hopes of helping my body recover by infusing it with sacred higher vibrational energies. I was also guided toward a meditation technique called the “Warrior’s Meditation” which helps one to develop a greater sensitivity to the body’s total energy field. The exercises which comprise this technique combined with my own rededication to Tai Chi Chuan and chakra meditations helped me to begin re-energizing my body from the inside out. From within the body and outward, I also became much more disciplined with clean eating, a consistent sleep schedule, and daily naps.

The Warrior’s Meditation really helped me develop a much stronger, and more nuanced sense of my own auric field. We (and I) often speak about the chakras as individual vortices but not as an aggregate. Many will speak about the body-mind connection, or the heart and its powerful electromagnetic field that extends outward surrounding the body, but we often ignore or neglect the much higher vibrational energies produced by the interconnected chakras which combine to form the auric field. Both of these systems comprise what we most generally refer to as the body’s energetic field. Most of us can easily get a sense of our electromagnetic field but the auric field requires the development of a much more subtle sense of energy because the vibrations are so much higher.

The more I continued with these practices the easier it became to sense my own auric field and raise my vibration in the process. As the weeks went by and I began to gain more energy reserves the urge to create again grew as well. With this desire came an urge to depict what these energies felt like and how they symbolically connected to the chakras as part of an overarching energetic system. Auric Rising is the result of this outpouring.

Ascension III: Auric Rising 18W x 24H


 The rings around the figure correspond to the seven major chakras we often refer to. Even though the Chakras are counted from the bottom up, I chose to reverse the color order for artistic effect. Most images of the chakra system depict the rings horizontally as they correspond to their locations upon the body. However, I wanted to depict more energetic movement and a more natural, flowing, biomorphic relationship with the human body from which these energies flow. When I was completing color sketches for the image, it became immediately apparent that the deep red of the root chakra surrounding the figure was too overpowering to be placed next to a skin tone successfully – so I placed the cooler blues and purples of the sixth and seventh chakras next to the seated figure in order to provide a cooler contrast against the warmer tones found within the figure itself. I also placed the Merkaba beneath the figure as a grounding device representing another chakra we have that connects us to the earth and binds the bottom portion of the auric field. The figure is seated in the half lotus position with his hands in the prayer position (devotion mudra) as the thumbs touch the third eye point of the forehead. The large monad at the top is my own symbol I developed for God-consciousness, while the other two flame-like symbols are my own symbols for the soul or spirit (both symbols can be found in earlier pieces). The white field around the auric field is what most of us see when we initially begin the practice of auric sight. As our vision expands to accommodate higher vibrational frequencies our vision becomes refracted and we are able to view the individual colors in the chakra spectrum. The oblong shape (aureole) of the auric field is attributed to those who reach enlightenment and become Ascended Masters. Hence the figure appears to be floating or ascending upwards into the higher dimensions of spiritual awareness. The black field at the edges of the canvas symbolizes the still point of creation, the universe which births light out of its own darkness.

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